Cupid's Pulse Article: David Boreanaz Says His 2010 Affair Strengthened His MarriageCupid's Pulse Article: David Boreanaz Says His 2010 Affair Strengthened His Marriage

Now that his 2010 affair is behind him, Bones star David Boreanaz is speaking out about the power of positive thinking, according to The actor says that after he cheated on his wife Rachel Uchitel, it ended up being a “bonding experience.”  He explains, saying, “In a sacred ground like marriage, you find yourself out of it at certain times for reasons unknown that can be destructive.  There could be a demon that kind of comes out and overtakes you.”  Although his infidelity was no doubt a rocky point in his marriage, he also says, “Do I believe in giving up?  No, I don’t.  I’m a fighter.  I’m a lover.”

How do you overcome cheating in your relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

It can be difficult to surpass unfaithfulness in a relationship, but it’s not impossible. Cupid has some suggestions:

1. Couples counseling: The most important thing you can do is hire a third party to listen to you air your grievances. A counselor will keep you “in check” so to speak, and you’ll have a safe place to share all of your feelings with your partner in order to potentially work them out.

2. Open communication: Instead of cowering away from each other, keep the lines of communication completely clear and in the open. Be brutally honest about everything in order to avoid any further suspicion.

3. Time: If you’re truly dedicated to your relationship, it’s going to take time to overcome the break in trust that cheating creates.  The best thing you can do it to stick with it, and work at it.

What are other ways to overcome cheating in a relationship? Share your ideas below.